Calling all Super Hero's

For this cake I made, the base tier, Chocolate cake with vanilla swiss buttercream, the middle tier Chocolate Orange cake in which I modified a recipe to make it, with chocolate orange ganache, and the top tier, chocolate mud cake with white chocolate raspberry ganache.
I am very happy with my 1st tiered cake. Fondant is starting to get alot easier to work with the more i use it.
Rochelle, a Les Mills instructor in many different classes, and her husband Stefan, a Police Officer, they make the perfect super hero duo.
Their anouncment of bubs on the way, by way of a Marvels super hero movie poster format of their "next generation" was very original and innovative. So when Rochelle asked me to make the cake i was super excited to do it.
Though she is having a girl, i suggested wonderman, or a pink and grey batman tier, Rochelle was keen for the originals, with a baby girl on top, hands on hips with her cape on, with a capital "M" for their surname.

"Had a few family and friends come back for coffee and cake and will be taking some to classes xxx All got thumbs up for taste and a lot of people amazed at your skills"
- Rochelle